Area 1: Dulverton, Minehead, Porlock, Watchet and Williton libraries

Somerset Library Services Consultation 2018

Summary Proposal

Tell us your views on how we are proposing to deliver future library services in Western Somerset (Area 1) – Dulverton, Minehead, Porlock, Watchet and Williton libraries

The map below shows the five existing library buildings (green pins) in Dulverton, Minehead, Porlock, Watchet and Williton and the existing mobile library stops (green dots) – 25 stops in this area per month.

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©Open street map contributers

  • The area includes most of West Somerset District, including Exmoor, the coast and hinterland from Porlock to Kilve, and the rural areas to the north of the Brendon Hills and north-west of the Quantock Hills.
  • It is generally sparsely populated (total pop. 32,014), with Minehead (pop. 11,291), Williton (pop. 2,644) and Watchet (pop. 3,581) being the main built up areas.
  • Current library catchments have relatively small populations, and commutes to Taunton or Bridgwater are an approximate 30 minute drive from Williton and 45 minutes from Minehead.
  • Commercial bus service 28 provides relatively good public transport between Minehead and Taunton, linking Watchet, Williton and other communities along the A39. There are public bus services from Dulverton to Taunton (via Wiveliscombe), Tiverton and Minehead. Community transport (including a parish council funded scheduled bus service from Porlock) generally serves Minehead.
  • Levels of deprivation are relatively high in this area compared to the rest of Somerset, particularly in Watchet and Williton, and it is known for having very low levels of social mobility. Employment and income levels are lower than elsewhere in Somerset, and educational attainment is lower; only 63% of 5 year olds reaching the expected level of school readiness compared to 72% for Somerset as a whole.
  • There has been considerable investment in improving broadband infrastructure in the area. Evidence shows, however, residents are more likely to be digitally excluded than people living in Somerset as a whole, particularly in the more deprived communities of Minehead, Watchet and Williton.
  • Social isolation is variable across the area, with people living in the coastal towns more likely to be socially isolated than those in the more rural areas.  The area has a high proportion of people over 65, and for all current library catchments the proportion of disabled people is higher than for Somerset as a whole.
MetricDulverton LibraryMinehead LibraryPorlock Community LibraryWatchet LibraryWilliton Library
Catchment population3,84026,9772,0445,71912,853
Opening Hours per week1937.517.517.528
Active borrowers*5452,7632674911,202
Annual footfall22,10970,4865,5937,56332,765

*For definition of an active borrower, please see frequently asked questions

Further Detailed Information
Further evidence of need (including deprivation and usage), access to alternative libraries and value for money, which we have used to develop our proposals, can be found here. The detailed impact assessments can also be found here. We are seeking your views on all of this information, and would encourage you to look at this further detail.

Proposal options

The following options demonstrate the aim to keep as many library buildings as possible open. The options highlight, however, that for a number of libraries we may require community support to help us achieve this. We stress that library services will continue across Somerset, whatever the outcome of this consultation.

If we are unable to keep library buildings open in communities, we will deliver library services in other ways, such as through outreach (such as in alternative venues within communities), online or mobile library services.

Please now consider the following option proposals and complete the questionnaire, basing your answers on the library you visit most often.

Dulverton LibraryProposals
Option ANo change to existing library services.
Option B Provide library services through a partnership with the local community to maintain a library building in Dulverton (supported by some funding from the County Council).
Option CProvide library services through an additional mobile library stop in Dulverton (at least once a month). This would mean the closure of the current library building.

If this arrangement ever changes in future, we propose that an additional mobile library stop would provide an alternative way of delivering statutory library services within this community. This would mean the closure of the current library building, with library services being provided in other ways.
Minehead LibraryProposals
Option ANo change to existing library services.
Porlock LibraryProposals
Option AThere is already a partnership in place with the local Porlock community, supported by Somerset County Council. We hope library services will continue to be delivered in this way at Porlock Community Library going forward, and propose to support this community partnership with some funding from the County Council.

However, if this arrangement ever changes in future, we propose that an additional mobile library stop in Porlock (at least once a month) would provide an alternative way of delivering statutory library services within this community. This would mean the closure of the current library building.
Watchet LibraryProposals
Option AProvide library services through a partnership with the local community to maintain a library building in Watchet (supported by some funding from the County Council).
Option B Provide library services by delivering Library Outreach Services (events and activities for young children and health, wellbeing and reading activities for adults) and an additional mobile library stop in Watchet (at least once a month). This would mean the closure of the current library.
Williton Library LibraryProposals
Option ANo change to existing library services.

You can download the proposals for all of the areas here.